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    Brucejack mine site under development back in 2015.

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    Young geologist-in-training investigates a shiny rock at John Field Elementary School in Hazelton.

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    Mining for smarties is always a big draw when SEG visits local classrooms.

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    Diamond Drill working at the Brucejack site in northwest BC in 2021.

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    Chalcopyrite in core from the Galore Creek Mining Corporation jointly owned by Teck and Newmont.

Smithers Exploration Group (SEG) has been serving and promoting the mineral industry in Northwest British Columbia since 1971. We’re dedicated to the advancement of geology, exploration and mining in the northwest.

Our membership includes prospectors, geologists, miners, engineers, pilots, expediters, contractors, line-cutters, drillers and many people from supporting professions. Membership is only $5, and everyone is welcome to attend any of our events.

SEG publishes an online version of Exploration and Mining Directory for Northwest British Columbia, available as an interactive PDF directory (45 MB).

SEG in the Communityview all



SEG has been reaching out to schools, community organizations and First Nations to bring information about the minerals industry and its place in the economy of the northwest and the province.

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Eventsview all

Mining Month 2025

Mining Month 2025

May 7

SEG kicks of Mining Month with our annual luncheon Wednesday May 7.

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