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    Hy-Tech Diamond drill working near Brucejack Mine in northwest BC.

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    Open pit at Newmont's Red Chris Mine in northwest BC.

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    Chalcopyrite in core from the Galore Creek Mining Corporation jointly owned by Teck and Newmont.

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    Mining for smarties is always a big draw when SEG visits local classrooms.

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    Smithers Exploration Group award-winning booth at Smithers Northwest Trade Expo


Smithers Exploration Group (SEG) believes responsible mineral exploration and mine development are important components of the economy of Northwestern British Columbia.  SEG’s mission is to provide local educational, networking and social opportunities for those involved in the mineral industry. SEG is the bridge between the industry and residents of Northwest British Columbia through outreach activities that:  provide information about the industry; highlight the economic and employment potential associated with the industry; and facilitate discussions between neighbours on positive contributions and local concerns.

SEG in the Communityview all



SEG has been reaching out to schools, community organizations and First Nations to bring information about the minerals industry and its place in the economy of the northwest and the province.

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Eventsview all

Smithers Exploration Group Fall Golf Tournament

Smithers Exploration Group Fall Golf Tournament

September 13

Registration is open for SEG's fall golf tournament on Friday September 13.

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