SEG’s annual fall golf tournament on Friday September 13 drew a large and enthusiastic crowd.
Thanks also to this year's sponsors who helped make this year's game a success:
Hy-Tech Drilling; Apex Diamond Drilling; Tria Solutions; Silverking Helicopters; Canadian Drilling Fluids; Moon
River Moly
Bandstra Transportation; Galore Creek Mining; Rokmaster; SMS Equipment Inc; Rugged Edge Holdings;
Norad Logistics; BV Printers; Hardline Exploration; Lake Babine Nation; ERM; Huckleberry Mines; Dorado
Drilling; Evergreen Industrial; (Skeena Resources) Eskay Creek Mining; IMDEX; Tsayta Aviation; EDI
Environmental Dynamics; Investors Group; Brandt Tractor; Kohtin Construcion
Ziggy’s Towing for Designated Driver Service
The SEG golf committee thanks everyone for making 2024 a banner year.
Rocks 'n Rambling takes on a Christmas tone Friday December 13
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