SEG cancels golf tournament
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Smithers Exploration Group | SEG - Mining & Education Northwest BC

SEG August 2018 Enews Update

After 47 years Smithers Exploration Group has reluctantly decided it must cancel the September 2018 golf tournament.

SEG cancels September golf game

Smithers Exploration Group has reluctantly decided it must cancel the September 2018 golf tournament. We have been staging the tournament for the past 47 years and it’s always been great  fun on such a lovely course. However this year we were not able to reach an agreement with the Smithers Golf and Country Club that would allow us to run the tournament in a way that meets our needs.

In pursuing its goal of making the Smithers course financially viable, the club found it necessary to implement new rules for tournaments. Those new rules make some of our traditions impossible – a shotgun start on 18 holes with the kick-off at 10 am without having to guarantee 60 golfers.

We are planning something fun for that September 14 date at the SEG Rock Room – a fall kick-off barbeque with a chance to network, talk rocks and compare notes on the wind-down of the field season.  It won’t be about golf but most of the other attractions of the SEG September tradition will be on hand.

So keep Friday September 14 in your day timer and we’ll have the details ready in August.

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