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    Mining for smarties is always a big draw when SEG visits local classrooms.

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    Brucejack mine site under development back in 2015.

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    Diamond Drill working at the Brucejack site in northwest BC in 2021.

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    Hy-Tech Diamond drill working near Brucejack Mine in northwest BC.

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    Young geologist-in-training investigates a shiny rock at John Field Elementary School in Hazelton.


Smithers Exploration Group is open to everyone.

There are no membership requirements and the one-time fee is only $5. It’s simple to join SEG – attend any of our events, and buy a membership.

The benefits of membership in SEG include:

If you’d like to become a member, you should attend the next SEG event or you can download a Membership Application form and mail it with a cheque for $5 made out to Smithers Exploration Group. The mailing address is PO BOX 3196 Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Canada.

Street Address: SEG's office is at #102 - 3423 Fulton Ave in Smithers (turn off highway 16 at Smithers LumberYard, go one block up to Fulton. The office is in the middle of the block). There are no regular office hours.

Mailing Address: PO BOX 3196 Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Canada

Email address: smithersexplorationgroup@gmail.com

Telephone:  250-877-7883

SEG in the Communityview all



SEG has been reaching out to schools, community organizations and First Nations to bring information about the minerals industry and its place in the economy of the northwest and the province.

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Eventsview all

Mining Month 2025

Mining Month 2025

May 7

SEG kicks of Mining Month with our annual luncheon Wednesday May 7.

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