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    Brucejack mine site under development back in 2015.

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    Young geologist-in-training investigates a shiny rock at John Field Elementary School in Hazelton.

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    Junior prospectors hard at work beside SEG booth at Hazelton Pioneer Days.

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    Mining for smarties is always a big draw when SEG visits local classrooms.

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    Diamond Drill working at the Brucejack site in northwest BC in 2021.

Annual General Meeting

Smithers Exploration Group held its 2024 Annual General Meeting on Friday April 12. The minutes from the 2024 annual general meeting are available here.  Copies of the 2023 financial statements are available on request.

SEG also welcomes volunteers for its activities including the fall golf tournament and February Rock Talk, as well as monthly Rocks ‘n Rambling and some new events planned for 2024/25. If you share SEG’s commitment to the mineral industry in northern BC, drop us a line at info@smithersexplorationgroup.com .

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SEG has been reaching out to schools, community organizations and First Nations to bring information about the minerals industry and its place in the economy of the northwest and the province.

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Smithers Exploration Group Fall Golf Tournament

Smithers Exploration Group Fall Golf Tournament

September 13

Registration & sponsorships are open for SEG's fall golf tournament on Friday September 13.

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