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    Hy-Tech Diamond drill working near Brucejack Mine in northwest BC.

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    Brucejack mine site under development back in 2015.

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    Diamond Drill working at the Brucejack site in northwest BC in 2021.

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    Young geologist-in-training investigates a shiny rock at John Field Elementary School in Hazelton.

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    Mining for smarties is always a big draw when SEG visits local classrooms.

Geotour of the Smithers-Babine Lake-Hazelton area

All Summer

Geotour of the Smithers-Babine Lake-Hazelton area

This geotour guide is intended for the use of geologists or other geoscience professionals interested in learning about the geology of the Smithers-Babine Lake-Hazelton area of west central British Columbia. This self-guided geotour examines the older component of Stikine Terrane in the region including the Upper Permian limestone to Upper Triassic island arc volcanic assemblages near Granisle on Babine Lake. In the Smithers and Hazelton areas the focus is on Jurassic, Cretaceous and Eocene overlap assemblages and post accretion structures related to crustal thickening and thinning events.

Contact the Smithers Exploration Group to view hand samples from the outcrops if you aren’t able to do the entire tour but would like to see the rocks.

Please follow recommendations for local travel during COVID-19. Watch for hazards including wildlife and traffic. Follow calling protocol on Forest Service Roads where required.

Please download the pdf (1.6mb) for full details.

There is also a new website for geo tours. https://bbcga.com/hazeltonarcgeotour_main/

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SEG has been reaching out to schools, community organizations and First Nations to bring information about the minerals industry and its place in the economy of the northwest and the province.

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Mining Month 2025

Mining Month 2025

May 7

SEG kicks of Mining Month with our annual luncheon Wednesday May 7.

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